Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ode to a Sweet Potato

I've been reunited with a delicious tuber that my mom introduced me to several years ago.
Blogbuds, allow me to introduce you to the Japanese Sweet Potato *nice to meet you*

Since my schedule has been a bit nutty and I'm trying to save up some cash, I have to admit that this starchy, chestnutty tasting guy has been my go to meal lately. Scrubbed clean and wrapped in a paper towel, this guy just needs a few minutes in the microwave and a sprinkle of salt. Warm, comforting and filling. I heart you.

Unfortunately, I think I've hit the bottom of the barrel at the Real Foods. *sigh* 'Til we meet again...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

you should look for these: they were all over when i was in korea-land and are delicious.