Julia at Chocolate Shoestrings! Shoot me an email with your address and running shoe size (for the socks) and I'll pack everything up :)
Thank you for participating!
While I was googling about how to figure out a winner, I stumbled across the Online List Shuffler - brilliant. I made a list with everyone's entries and copied it into the list shuffler box. It generated a shuffled list with numbers and then I hopped on over to Random.org and it spit out lucky #32! You should definitely look into it for your next giveaway :)
I'm exhausted from my surprisingly long and brutal 7 miler so I'm off to lounge in bed w/one of the three, yes three, books I picked up at Borders this afternoon. I swear, I need supervision at all times. I can't even be trusted on a mid-day trip to the bookstore! Though I must say, I am pleased with my summer reading selections. They all sound like easy, funny reads. Don't worry, I'll give you the full report as I finish each one ;)
Bitter is the New Black - Jen Lancaster
The Geography of Bliss - Eric Weiner

Running with Scissors - Augusten Burroughs

Running with Scissors is a fabulous book.. but, just to warn you, I wouldnt call it a "fun" read!
I met Augusten and actually told him that that book was partially why I became a social worker.. to be frank, as you will read, his life was FUCKED UP. It's a true story.
And very dark, and dramatic. However, the rest of his books are different... also true, but HILARIOUS and very very lighthearted!
However, RWS is still an awesome book! :)
I saw the movie of Running With Scissors - ha uhhhh. I'm anxious to hear what you think of the book! ;)
when do you hop on the plane? Hope you have a good trip!
The book Running with Scissors is a great read, you won't be able to put it down because it is SO FRIGGING MESSED UP! Enjoy! :)
So I'm about 15 pages into Running With Scissors and I kinda like it so far! I definitely made some 'uhh, ok?' faces on the metro this morning, but I'm definitely looking forward to reading more :)
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