Here's where you come in. My kitchen creativity has flopped a bit over the past couple of weeks and I'm in need of inspiration. Let's make things interesting. What would you like to see me whip up this weekend? Give me a cuisine and main ingredient and I'll try my best to come up with a creative and delicious dish to write about. I'll tally up everyone's suggestions this Friday at Noon for Saturday night's dinner ;)
I'm off to catch up on a few blogs and finish my book before stretching and doing some core work (stupid piriformis muscle - literally a pain in my ass! - cut yesterday's 7 miler short and I'm bummed). I'm also working on a few blog-related things to be announced later on this month (I hope). Promise I'll be back soon! :)
Hmm...what about Karena-cuisine? Just whip something up from your head? It may be a hit or miss, but it'll be fun, and it'll be entirely YOURS! :D
Personally, I would also like to see some kind of grain dish because I'm looking for more ways to try different kinds of new grains...
I saw Julie & Julia tonight (without reading the book :-O) and loved it so much!!!
I'm with burpandslurp, I think it would be fun to see what you throw together from the ingredients you have!
That, plus I just don't have any great ideas right now haha.
Also don't forget to enter my SpiBelt giveaway (www.ChicagoMarathonVal.com) - unless you already have one, it must be so nice working at a store that sells stuff like that and getting a discount! :)
Karena, love the new layout!
I would love to see a breakfast for dinner dish. Hahaha, obviously I love bfasts.
But anything will be great for sure! :D
Are you liking the book?? I need to pick it up, I like reading the novel before seeing the movie. :) makes it more enjoyable most of the time!
hmm...in the kitchen? Cannellini beans - I keep buying them but only throw them into pasta here and there.
I like this.. how about you do something with peaches since they're in season? like a summer inspired dish. OR make the best veggie burger you've ever seen. Then mail it to me and I'll eat it ;)
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