After last night's stop/start 7 miler (have I developed a hate for city running?), I needed to redeem myself with a quick 3 mile run on the treadmill. Why 3 miles? Why the treadmill? Aren't those two of your least favorite things?? They are, but I knew if I ran on the treadmill there wouldn't be any stop lights and I could maintain a steady pace. Plus I needed a cushy ride.
I got my ass up at 7:30 (I know I know, 7:30 is LATE for most of you ;p) to go downstairs to the gym. With the help of a motivating playlist and thoughts of post-run breakfast, I knocked out the 3 miles in an easy 28 minutes. I was kinda disappointed because last time I did an easy 3 on the treadmill I did it in 27 minutes. I feel slow :( *sigh* Oh well.
Since I had some time to kill, I decided to test out this Egg in the Hole I've seen on a couple blogs. Seemed easy enough - poke a hole in your bread and plop an egg in the middle. Hm...what to cut the hole with...
I'm not a cookie cutter owning kind of girl, so I reached into the depths of our cabinets and grabbed this guy. Yes, that is a frog smoking and drinking. Klassy. Perfect size!
Ze egg in ze hole:
So, as I was trying to multitask and get my giant pile of drycleaning in order, I walked away from the stove. It wasn't on high or anything and seriously, I wasn't gone for that long. Promise...
BURNT! Salsa couldn't even make it look pretty! Agghhh. Whatever, dark toast aside, I thought it was pretty good. I'd throw some ham or bacon in or near the toast just because I love meat. Unfortunately there wasn't any to be found in the fridge.
One cannot live through the morning on just toast and egg alone so I reached for a container of Fage to make my usual yogurt parfait. I've gotten Jamie hooked on it as well so he took the container of honey with him to work, meaning I had to get creative. This morning's parfait consisted of a really cinnamon-y granola, crasins and a drizzle of maple syrup (because, let's face it, plain yogurt is not so great unless it has a little sweetness added to it).
Maple syrup - just not doing it for me. Neither is the cinnamon-y granola. I might just have to buy a large bag of that vanilla almond granola I picked up a few weeks ago!
Ok, I'm off. Work, errands, work #2 and then reading. First up - Running with Scissors. Happy Friday everyone :)
I got my ass up at 7:30 (I know I know, 7:30 is LATE for most of you ;p) to go downstairs to the gym. With the help of a motivating playlist and thoughts of post-run breakfast, I knocked out the 3 miles in an easy 28 minutes. I was kinda disappointed because last time I did an easy 3 on the treadmill I did it in 27 minutes. I feel slow :( *sigh* Oh well.
Since I had some time to kill, I decided to test out this Egg in the Hole I've seen on a couple blogs. Seemed easy enough - poke a hole in your bread and plop an egg in the middle. Hm...what to cut the hole with...
Ze egg in ze hole:
One cannot live through the morning on just toast and egg alone so I reached for a container of Fage to make my usual yogurt parfait. I've gotten Jamie hooked on it as well so he took the container of honey with him to work, meaning I had to get creative. This morning's parfait consisted of a really cinnamon-y granola, crasins and a drizzle of maple syrup (because, let's face it, plain yogurt is not so great unless it has a little sweetness added to it).
Ok, I'm off. Work, errands, work #2 and then reading. First up - Running with Scissors. Happy Friday everyone :)
Sometimes a tread mill run is in orer. Then you are reminded of why it sucks. LOL!
I love egg with a hole in the middle. My dad used to make it for me all the time. One of the three things he could cook. Gotta love dads.
I had an easy 2 mile run on the treadmill Monday which I haven't done since April! It felt so good to have a smooth easy run though and I felt like I could have gone forever!
Also - I am NOT a 5.00am person either. Who are these people?! I have to get up at 7.20am everyday and it just about kills me! Haha
I ran on the treadmill yesterday!! YAY for egg in the hole!!
Hey at least you got your run in:) I hear you about dodging lights, cars, stop signs's just a pain!
LOL @ your froggy cup. That's great :D
Hey girl, good luck on tomorrow's run! I've got a 16 miler.... our schedules must be a bit off this week. You said you are doing 12 right? Have a great one! :)
I hate stop lights! I also have to work on getting up early for a morning run.
Love that drinking smoking frog glass. Hahaha.
My mom used to make me egg in a hole whenever I was sick! I tried to make it once on my own and failed completely, and now I'm vegan so . . . guess it will just be a memory for me!
so does egg in a hole become egg stuck in the hole? otherwise i'm picturing the egg falling out of the hole when you take the toast out of the pan...
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