Worked both jobs today and was somewhat inspired by our display of gels and what not at job number two to write a post on nutritional options, but I think I'll save that for another day. For now I think I'll just enjoy the fact that Jamie started cooking dinner on his own before I walked in the door :) AAAND Vacation 2009 is coming up in just 1.5 months (damn skippy I'm starting the countdown)!!
Can anyone guess what Central European city we'll be visiting over Labor Day weekend??

Tonight's dinner (started by Jamie and finished by yours truly) was a quick Chicken and Tofu Stirfry.
Jamie's off to Ohio this weekend so I might just bring back my favorite veggie while he's away...

I'm off to attempt some work before hanging out with my foam roller friend and crashing. Tomorrow is 6 mile Tuesday and I couldn't be happier about it (even though the humidity is back - btw, check out Val's Marathon Monday post about heat, hydration and gels...VERY important stuff!) :) Is it strange that I really hate the thought of doing my 3 mile runs? Ha. Two years ago, I NEVER would have typed those words...
G'nite :)
Thanks for dropping by and discovering that the secret ingredient is broccoli. It is quite a versatile vegetable and I love it too.
I love your recipes. You might just get me to try tofu again. Hubby has rejected quinoa and tofu. I guess I stick to broccoli.
Looking forward to your broccoli recipe, if you have the time.
The marinade was super simple: two crushed and diced cloves of garlic, 4-5 hard shakes of crushed red pepper flakes, a spoonful of garlic/black bean paste, and about four tablespoons (maybe more) of filipino soy sauce (i think we have marca pina brand). Throw that over two cubed chicken breasts. I marinated for 2-3 hours.
I don't like 3 milers either. Not long enough in my opinion, yet still a lot of work. Maybe I am just lazy.
I have no idea where you are going on your vacay! Europe is a lot of fun! So many different foods/snacks to try!
Thanks for mentioning my posting! :)
As I think I've said to you before, I don't care for my shorter runs either. They are like a chore, whereas I REALLY look forward to the long runs because they are an exciting challenge!!!
Part of it is my awesome running group and weirdly enough, I think part of it is that I run SO early on Saturday am for my long runs, when the rest of the world is still asleep (and probably sleeping off Friday night's hangover, no less) and it makes me feel very accomplished :)
ooh! Thanks for letting me know abt this week's BSI. I hope I can submit something in time!
Hee hee, 3 miles is what I run each day...
Oh, and just wondering...are you free for a blogger meet-up tomorrow afternoon in DC? Rebecca from All Vegged Out and I may be meeting up tomorrow for a late lunch...I know it's a bit rushed, but please let me know!
My email:
Gotta love it when dinner's already started when you get home :-D
I love broccoli and can't wait to check out your recipe.
We never used the Marca Pina brand back home. It was always Silver Swan. :D The marinade sounds delicious and would be great for tofu, too.
Ahhh, so jealous of your European trip.
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